Saturday, January 7, 2012

Step right up...

The "step right up" stepmill is the training tool of choice for fire fighters training for their annual
CPAT (physical fitness test)   This stepmill closely mimics actual stairs.  The entire step rotates down  and back up in a loop.  Once the machine is started you must step down completely to move the steps around the loop.  The system is not motorized so there is no cheating.  Each step is yours not the machine.  You must pay attention and keep your balance centered as the step is pushed down.  In full disclosure I traded for my stepmill.  They are a bit pricy but a great training tool.

There are no real bells and whistles, just steps.  A simple display indicates your step pace, heart rate, calorie burn,  floors completed and total time.  I prefer to keep an eye on the step pace and heart rate.  My goal is to find a good pace that keeps my respiration's reasonable.  Hopefully then avoiding oxygen debt.

Today it was back to the stepmill after a 15 min warm up on the stationary bike.  I put 65lbs in the weight vest and got started.   Once again it took me a few minutes to compensate for the added weight.  Brian tells me that wearing full gear is easier then using the weight vest.  He feels the weight is distributed around your body and is not just making you a top heavy with the vest.  I hope he is right about that because 65lbs was pretty tough.

I completed 40 floors in 12:17.   Max heart rate was 143, respiration was 48.   Both returned to normal in about 10 min.   I felt good but my legs were getting a bit heavy.  I need to work on my pace and breathing a bit more being sure to stay in control. 

All in all a good solid work out after being on the road with limited equipment. 

See you at the Top!


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