Saturday, February 4, 2012

See ya later

I learned yesterday of the passing of a very good friend.  Charley had been apparently not been feeling
well for sometime.

I had stopped at Charley's house two weeks ago and he was sleeping.  I was told he slept a lot and had lost most of his energy.  Age was catching up with him.

I met Charley in 2001 at my first airfield.  The first time I brought my aircraft in and began to assemble it Charley appeared.  He had a smile that just seemed to make any problem I was having that day disappear.  He rarely spoke and would often sit and watch what I was doing. 

Charley was a black and white border collie that was adopted from the local dog pound by my Cousin Mike and his wife Nancy.  Mike and Nancy lived across the road from my airfield.

Charley would see my truck pull into the airfield and he would start a slow walk down the runway.  I would call his name once; "Charley!" and he would stop with his head up looking to see if it was me calling.  As soon as he knew it was me he would start running.  He would run the entire 900ft runway; smiling as he came.  He would run by me at full speed, turning in a circle and then sprint back and come to a sliding sitting stop next to my leg.  He would let me pet him for a few minutes and then he would start his inspection of my aircraft.  Charley would sit and watch as I did my preflight.  His left ear would be straight up as his listened, his right ear would be folded in half and his eyes would almost sparkle with anticipation.  Over the years I had many conversations with Charley and I am positive he understood everything I ever said to him. 

Charley seemed to adopt the airfield.   He patrolled the runway daily and made sure no woodchucks ever set up home on or near the closely mowed grass.  He took great pride in insuring my safety.

When I landed he would often greet me with that smile and folded ear.  He was as happy to see me as I was to see him.  After I packed up I would pet him one more time and tell him it was time to go home.  Charley would drop his head and turn to start in the direction of home.  After a few steps he would turn and look back, as if to say "see ya later" and off he would go.

I saw Charley for the last time a week before he passed.  I was driving past the airfield and I saw Charley walking past my barn.  I slowed a bit and rolled the window down.  Charley turned and when he saw my truck he stopped and smiled for a few seconds.  I called his name and his left ear went up and the other folded in half.   I stopped,  as I got out of the truck he came over slowly so I could pet him.   After a minute he turned and started in the direction of home.    A few steps later  he turned as if to say once again "see ya later".

Mike and Nancy let me know Charley passed a few days later.  I am glad I was able to see him one last time.  Charley wasn't my dog but he was a great friend.

I took today off from training.  Back at it tomorrow.

See you at the Top Charley!

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